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September 3,2021  

We have started our 7th year of providing weekend food to local elementary school children who are experiencing chronic hunger or food insecurity.  As we've found over the past years, the beginning of the school year begins slowly as the teachers and guidance counselors get to know the students in their school.  Many children move up to middle school and there are always sudents moving in or out of a school district.  On top of that, many guidance counselors and principals are transferred to other schools and little continuity with regard to the Micah's Back process.   So, we begin anew!

On August 19  many of our regular TEAM MICAH members gathered at 3 packing sites and packed for 158 children in 6 schools.  By the first week in September we had added one school and 3 more children.  

    School Year  2021-2022

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