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Get Involved

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Your donations make a difference! If you would like to contribute by donating food items or organizing a food drive at your work or school please click on the "Donate" tab. There you will find our Foods list.

Food List:

Chicken Noodle Soup 10.75 oz can

Tuna 5 oz can

Pasta In A Can ex. Chef Boyardee 14.75 oz

Spaghettios (with added calcium if available) 14.75 oz

Dry Cereal Individual Boxes or Cups 1 oz

Instant Oatmeal of Grits Packets

Shelf-Stable White Milk 8 oz.

Shelf-Stable chocolate milk 8 oz.

Granola Bars

Fruit Cups or Applesauce Cups (No Artificial Sweetener)

Peanut Butter 10.75 oz.

Microwave Popcorn

Individual Assorted Snacks ex. Cheez-Its, Pretzels, Raisins, etc.






There are many ways to get involved! If you are interested in donating your time as a shopper, packer, speaker, set-up Crew member, driver or if you are interested in hosting a fundraiser, please fill out our volunteer form below!


We have Volunteers as young as 4 Years old! 

What a great way to help your child learn about helping others!

Click here to fill a volunteer form 

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We need your financial support! Your monetary contributions to HUPC "Micah's Backpack" help feed hungry children. The cost to feed one child for an entire school year is only $260.


One of every five children, nationwide, suffer from Food Insecurity!  They simply do not have enough to eat and they cannot learn when they are hungry.

100% of your donation goes to feeding the children.

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